Arthritis impact measurement scale pdf

To study, in a reallife setting, the construct validity, the reliability, and the interpretability of the 12item psoriatic arthritis impact of disease psaid12 questionnaire in patients with psoriatic arthritis psa. Meenan, dean, boston university school of public health subject. Until recently, there has been little focus on this methodology in psa. Did you have trouble doing vigorous activities such. Most questions ask about the persons health and functioning over the previous month. Pdf shortform arthritis impact measurement scales 2.

Arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2sf 26 total core items instruments included in questionnaire. Arthritis impact measurement scales aims ahrq academy. Sf, first published in 1997, is a shortened version of the aims2 and is aimed at measuring health status in people with arthritis. How physical function is assessed for osteoarthritis. The arthritis impact measurement scales aims is a health index designed at the multipurpose arthritis center at boston university. In this study, a dutch version of this selfassessment questionnaire named the dutchaims was evaluated in. In each dimension and component, item values are summed and the scores are.

Cultural adaptation and validation of a german version of the arthritis impact measurement scale aims2. Issues related to the translation of measurement scales. The measurement properties of this instrument are not particularly good, however except for the pain dimension, which showed good reliability and convergent validity. Validation of an italian version of the arthritis impact. Arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2, arthritis impact measurement scales 2. Arthritis impact measurement scales aims evidence based practice ebp fibromyalgia impact questionnaire fiq fracture risk assessment tool frax 1. Arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2sf all most some few no during the past four weeks days days days days days 1. The original arthritis impact measurement scales aims and arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2 were published in 1980 and 1992, respectively, to measure quality of life for clients with rheumatoid arthritis. Life function and disability instrument llfdi, and late. It meets the goals of the world health organization who, 1980, 1993, and it appears to meet the purpose of users in several countries. Arthritis impact measurement scales an overview sciencedirect. To develop and validate a scale to measure individual values for functions, which is used to weight the level of an individual patients functional loss and thus. Pain beliefs influence understanding of pain mechanisms and outcomes. The original arthritis impact measurement scales aims and arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2 were published in 1980 and 1992, respectively.

Pdf an assessment of an adapted version of the arthritis impact. Improvement of health status evaluated by arthritis impact. Sickness impact profile 12 a, scal aned designed to measure health statu isn arthritic patients, the arthritis impact measurement scales 46. Multitrait scaling analysis was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of the aims2sf. Arthritis impact measurement scales version 2 short form. The arthritis impact measurement scales is an american questionnaire that has been translated and adapted in other languages. Translation and validation study of the persian version of the arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2 in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Two phase iii, randomized, controlled trials of sarilumab in patients with active, longstanding ra were analyzed. Effects of sarilumab on rheumatoid arthritis as reported by. It meets the goals of the world health organization who, 1980, 1993, and it appears to meet the purpose of users in several countries, thereby eliminating the need to develop a new tool. The arthritis impact measurement scales 2 short form aims2sf is a shorter version of the arthritis impact measurement scale aims that can be used to evaluate.

The selfadministered arthritis impact measurement the kellgrens standard criteria 15. To validate a shortform arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2sf among 147 patients with osteoarthritis oa. Thesequestionsrefertoarthritisimpactoneachareaofhealth. Pdf translation and validation of arthritis impact measurement.

In 144 consecutive patients with psa 81 men and 63 women, mean age of 51. Psoriatic arthritis assessment tools in clinical trials. Each item measurement is on a 5point likert scale from 0 to 4. Pdf to evaluate the validity, reliability, and cultural relevance of the arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2 as a health assessment. Measuring quality of life in arthritis patients including. Stirring the mixture, rosales watches as it thickens into hand cream like that used for eczema and arthritis. Exclusion criteria scales aims questionnaire was one of the. The measurement of this construct requires the identification of unique and relevant components of health status that can be operationally defined by specific scales or scale groupings. Arthritis impact measurement scales aimsaims2 purpose diseasespecific measure of physical, social, and emotional wellbeing designed as a measure of outcome in arthritis 1. The arthritis impact measurement scales aimsaim2 are commonly used as a diseasespecific measure of health status in people with arthritis. The arthritis impact measurement scale aims measures physical, social, and emotional wellbeing along nine dimensions, including dexterity, mobility, pain, physical and social activity, and depression and anxiety. Aims2 arthritis impact measurement scales version 2.

We explored the components of health status that are operationalized by the arthritis impact measurement scales aims. Demographic data and validated instruments used included the arthritis impact measurement scale 2nd version. Pdf translation and validation study of the persian version. Validity of health status measurement with the dutch arthritis impact measurement scale 2 in individuals with severe haemophilia. Along with the surveys that are used to determine a patients. The aims2 instrument is designed to measure the health status component of outcome in. Development and evaluation of a scale to measure selfefficacy in people with arthritis. The arthritis impact measurement scales aims have been used to measure health status in patients with rheumatic diseases in north america. How often were you physically able to drive a car or use public transportation. Haavardsholm ea, kvien tk, uhlig t, smedstad lm, guillemin f. We explored the components of health status that are operationalized by the. The arthritis impact measurement scales aims is an american questionnaire designed to measure the health status of patients with arthritis.

How often were you in a bed or chair for most of the day. We used factor analysis to identify domains of functional health associated with oa. In this study, a dutch version of this selfassessment questionnaire named the dutchaims was evaluated in 73 dutch patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Tests of reliability and validity among patients with osteoarthritis. The consensus of these and other groups has bee a n that healthstatus measure should reflec the t presence of important symptoms, functional capacit oyr impairment, and general well being.

It is arthritis impact measurement scales version 2 short form. Guillemin f1, coste j, pouchot j, ghezail m, bregeon c, sany j. To evaluate the validity, reliability, and cultural relevance of the arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2 as a health assessment tool for chinesespeaking patients with arthritis. Please answer the following questions about your health.

Measuring the meaning of disability in rheumatoid arthritis. Aims2sf arthritis impact measurement scales version 2 short form. Arthritis impact measurement scales aims springerlink. Automated installation management system, version 2 linux arthritis impact measurement scales version 2 short form. This questionnaire was designed to measure the health status of patients with arthritis, but is used in other rheumatologic diseases too such as fibromyalgia. The arthritis impact measurement scales 2 short form aims2sf was established by guillemin et al. Index pgi, quality of wellbeing scale qwb, raqol, short form36. Automated instructional management system personal computer us army automated instructional management system redesign.

Arthritis impact measurement scale aims2 developed at the boston university arthritis center to assess health among patients with rheumatic diseases, the aims is now in its second version. Sf, the organization for economic cooperation and development oecd long. This study in rheumatologic conditions sought to determine a relationship between beliefs about pain and functioning. American college of rheumatology recommendations for use in clinical practice jaclyn anderson,1 liron caplan,2 jinoos yazdany,3 mark l. It contains nearly 80 items in a page questionnaire. Arthritis impact measurement scale how is arthritis impact. The childhood arthritis impact measurement scales chaims.

To develop a short form of the arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2 questionnaire, preserving content validity as the priority criterion. Tests of reliability and validity among patients with osteoarthritis xinhua s. The measure asks about physical functioning, pain, psychological status, and social interactions. Symptom arthritis pain, role work, social interaction social activities, support from family and friends, and affect level of tension, mood. Cultural adaptation and validation of a german version of the arthritis impact measurement scales aims2 osteoarthritis and cartilage. Aims stands for arthritis impact measurement scale also asset integrity management system and 580 more what is the abbreviation for arthritis impact measurement scale. To measure changes in global health, pain, mobility and social function in patients with arthritis. The relationship between beliefs about pain and functioning. Its suitability for use with british patients with rheumatoid arthritis ra has been tested. Arthritis impact measurement scale 2 netherlands australian incident monitoring study in intensive care. Aims arthritis impact measurement scale acronymfinder. Aims arthritis impact measurement scales acronymattic. The list of acronyms and abbreviations related to aims arthritis impact measurement scales. This paper examines the advantages and issues related to the use of one tool, the arthritis impact measurement scale aims.

In order to measure disease activity, progression, and change with therapy in psoriatic arthritis psa, it is important to use accurate, reliable, and feasible outcome measures that can ideally be employed in longitudinal cohorts, clinical trials, and clinical practice. Arthritis impact measurement scales 2 aims2, arthritis. It is intended to measure physical health and social wellbeing for patients with rheumatoid arthritis meenan 1982. A comparison of agreement and sensitivity to change between aims2 and a short form of aims2 aims2sf in. Measurement of disability in rheumatoid arthritis is often used to support treatment decisions and outcome assessments, but is used without reference to the impact of disability on individual patients. A study on 30 patients highlighted the need to anglicize the terminology and spelling. It has been asserted that only pain stricted rangeand consequentdifficulty in making fine and functional outcomes are meaningful to the pa distinctions.

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